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Together We Rise: Tafsir Surah Muhammad

Discover Your Role in Transforming The Ummah...

If you want to cause lasting change in your personal life, your family, and your community, then unlock the deeper wisdom behind this incredible Surah.

15 Principles to Revive the Ummah from Surah Muhammad

A Live Virtual tafsir class with Shaykh Suleiman Hani

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Find Strength When You Feel Powerless As An Ummah

It’s no secret that Muslims worldwide are facing incredible trials.

If it’s not the conflict and violence against our brothers and sisters in one land, then there’s the increasing Islamophobia across the globe.

In times like these, it’s easy to feel like the walls of the world are closing in on you:

There is immense pressure on our communities…

A growing fear of being visibly Muslim in our youth…

And the last thing we need right now is disunity.

In our personal lives, in our masajid.

We need to foster strong ties in our relationships founded on Islam.

But doing that requires knowledge and strong grounding in your faith.

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And that’s where Surah Muhammad comes in:

A Divine call where Allah commands the believers to assert themselves, make themselves known in the world, and unite through their shared faith.

It’s an empowering Surah that’s relevant especially in our time where so many Muslims feel weak and disenfranchised.

And by accessing it’s deeper meaning, you will learn how to be able to take on your personal and communal challenges with confidence.

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Every Muslim Needs to Implement These Principles

Surah Muhammad is a grand call to action from Allah to every believer.

It’s packed full of lessons in eman, trusting Allah, resolving differences between people, strengthening family ties, and self-improvement.

And by implementing all these lessons, you will not only you transform your own life, you will leave a lasting impact on your entire community.

That’s why we couldn’t be more excited to explore this incredible Surah with Shaykh Suleiman Hani in a LIVE virtual intensive class.

For those seeking change in the world around them!

  • The student activist
  • The Muslim parent
  • The Masjid trustee
  • The passionate da’ee
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Implement these lessons and watch your life transform!

  • Principle 1: The Support
  • Principle 2: The Protection
  • Principle 3: The Destination
  • Principle 4: The Guidance
  • Principle 5: The Hour
  • Principle 6: The Knowledge
  • Principle 7: The Commitment
  • Principle 8: The Truthfulness
  • Principle 9: The Family
  • Principle 10: The Condemnation
  • Principle 11: The Locks
  • Principle 12: The Devil
  • Principle 13: The Submission
  • Principle 14: The Reality
  • Principle 15: The Success

Meet Your Instructor:
Shaykh Suleiman Hani

Shaykh Suleiman Hani completed his memorization of the Quran at the age of 14, before earning dozens of traditional ijazaat under numerous scholars, as well as two master’s degrees in religions, philosophy, political science, and psychology. He has taught various classes in the Quranic sciences and authored a number of books on Tafsir of select Chapters and the art of memorisation.
As well as serving as an Imam at his local masjid, Shaykh Suleiman is the Director of Academic Affairs at AlMaghrib, and one of our most active instructors.

His love of the Quran, Aqidah, and tackling modern challenges shines through in this brand new class.

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