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Meet the Legends
Who Changed History

What if you could tap into the wisdom that guided the greatest minds of Islamic history?

Their stories are more than just history; they are blueprints for success.

Imagine learning their secrets to success, their devotion to Allah, and their leadership in the face of challenges.

Get ready to step into the lives of the most influential scholars of Islam with Dr. Waleed Basyouni in:

Torch Bearers

Transform your life with insights from the most respected scholars throughout history.

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Do You Feel Like Seeking
Knowledge Is Just Too Overwhelming?

Like no matter how hard you try…

It feels endless…

Or maybe you find yourself wondering if you’re even capable of keeping up…

Learn how the greatest scholars stayed motivated, managed their time, and continued seeking knowledge, even when life became challenging… 

Their perseverance will show you that this journey isn’t just possible for you…

It’s your legacy to carry on.

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Uncover the Legacy
Of Female Scholars

Throughout history, women have played a crucial role in Islamic scholarship, shaping our knowledge.

Layla bint ‘Abd Allah (Ash-Shifaa) was requested by the Prophet ﷺ to teach women the Qur’an.

Nafisa bint al-Hasan was a renowned teacher of hadith to Imam ash-Shafi’ee.

Umm ud-Dardaa’ was a prominent scholar and teacher in Damascus.

Ibn Hajar al-Askhalani even studied with 53 women scholars!

Learn from their stories and see how their examples can inspire and guide you.

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Lessons Through
Grand Stories

Uncover how their legacies inspire and guide us even today, offering lessons from the best of our scholars

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  • Revive your passion for seeking knowledge by learning how scholars approached and valued it.
  • Discover how Muslims in the past navigated trials and fitnah, giving you insights to face modern-day challenges.
  • You will get a closer look into the lives of some of the most important figures in the history of Islam and learn about the beauty of their life stories… Everything from their personal relationships with their wives and families to the companions they chose as friends.
  • You will understand the key values and motivators that led to their success. 
  • You will have access to classical historical works that are not available in the English language.

Meet Your Instructor:
Dr. Waleed Basyouni

Dr. Waleed Basyouni is the President of AlMaghrib Institute and Head of Islamic Theology and Ethics. With a PhD in Theology and a wealth of experience, he is a leading authority in Islamic scholarship.

Dr. Waleed’s leadership and dedication are widely recognized as Imam of Clear Lake Islamic Center and Director of the Texas Da‘wah Convention.

Join us at Torchbearers to rediscover his invaluable insights and leadership lessons, and be inspired by his extensive expertise.

Attend In-Person In Your City


April 19

10AM - 7PM
