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A One-of-a-Kind Theatrical Experience
for the Whole Family!

This isn’t a lecture.

This isn’t a movie.

It’s a LIVE stage performance that will make you feel the Seerah like never before.

With powerful storytelling, heartfelt nasheeds, and spoken word, it brings the life of the Prophet ﷺ to life.

Powered by AlMaghrib

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A Night of Emotion,
Faith & Inspiration

  • Storytelling that makes you feel like you’re walking the streets of Makkah.
  • Beautiful Nasheeds that stir the heart and bring the story to life.
  • Spoken Word & Poetry that hit deep and make you reflect.
  • Multimedia & Quran Recitation creating a full experience.

A special night for the whole family… that moves every heart, young or old.

Meet the Voices Behind the Story

Shaykh Ammar AlShukry

Boona Mohammed

Ilyas Mao

Amine Davis

Let's Take a
Step Back in Time...

… to sand-swept Arabia, in a bustling city amidst a barren desert.

Where an unlettered, orphaned shepherd would receive a Divine task, and go on to change the whole world!

You’ve been told about Muhammad’s ﷺ life through talks here and there…

Now it’s time to experience it.

Once Upon a Time in Makkah is not a lecture, it’s not a movie…

It’s a LIVE immersive performance combining vivid storytelling, nasheeds, spoken word poetry, multimedia, and Quran recitation to create a truly unforgettable event for the entire family.

Listen to The Stories of:

The Revelation

The Hijrah

The Prophet’s Heartbreaks

And more…

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