President of AlMaghrib Institute. Senior Scholar. Head of Islamic Theology and Ethics Department. Master’s in Islamic Theology, World Religions and Modern Religious Sects. PhD in Theology. Imam of Clear Lake Islamic Center. Director of Texas Da‘wah Convention. Gives fatwah as member of American Muslim Jurists Association (AMJA). Answers fiqh questions on Twitter.

Shaykh Waleed Basyouni, PhD, is the President of AlMaghrib Institute and Head of our Islamic Theology and Ethics Department. Students know him well for his sincere care for their well-being and progress in study. We see Shaykh Waleed as not just our senior scholar, but one of the most important leaders of the da‘wah in the West.
He graduated with a Bachelor in Islamic Sciences from Al-Imam Muhammad University (KSA), did his Master’s in Islamic Theology, World Religions and Modern Religious Sects from Al-Imam Muhammad University, and achieved a Doctorate in Theology from the Graduate Theological Foundation in Indiana.
Shaykh Waleed Basyouni has made numerous appearances in media around the world including CNN, Islam Channel, and Al-Huda Channel. He is an Imām, and active member of a number of Islamic organizations and Islamic Societies such as NAIF, and is a Director of the Texas Da‘wah Convention. Shaykh Waleed also gives fatwa as a member of the American Muslim Jurists Association (AMJA).