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24:7: Fiqh Of Dua And Dhikr

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Ibn Al Qayyim said,

“I was always surprised by the strength of Ibn Taymiyyah. It amazed me how much strength and Iman he had.”

One day he asked Ibn Taymiyyah about his ability to do all of this, and the Shaykh Al Islam said that the supplication / adhkar he said everyday in the morning and the night are what gave him the strength to write, read, teach, and debate to the extent that one time one of his students said that Ibn Taymiyyah would sit making adhkar from after fajr until close to dhuhr time, and he asked him if he did this every day. Ibn Taymiyyah replied that without it, he could not function.

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What Do You Do
To Kill Time?

How many times a day do we find ourselves with “time to kill” on our way to work, on the bus to school, waiting in the elevator, what if you could turn this time into pure good deeds. What are the words which you can say that are most pleasing to Allah subhana wa ta’ala, and can instantly give you that iman boost to help keep you going throughout your day?

We need adhkar more than food and water. Proper remembrance of Allah is part of a healthy diet for every believer, but how many of us have taken the time to learn about its rules and etiquettes? The Prophet said: “By Allah! I ask for forgiveness from Allah and turn to Him in repentance more than seventy times a day.” (Bukhari) So if the one whose past and future sins had been forgiven asked Allah for forgiveness so many times a day, what are we waiting for?

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Topics Covered In This Course

• The virtues of Du`a, its guidelines and etiquettes
• The different categories of Du`a and their significance
• The sources and proofs of the narrated Du`a
• The ruling of raising the hands while making Du`a
• The reason and wisdom Du`as are accepted and rejected

• The virtues of making dhikr, its guidelines and etiquettes
• The types of dhikr that one can make to remember Allah
• The sources and proofs of the narrated Athkar
• The ruling of congregational dhikr and situations in which dhikr is prohibited
• The virtues and forms of Salat and Salaam upon the Messenger of Allah

Taught By
Sh Waleed Basyouni

President of AlMaghrib Institute. Senior Scholar. Head of Islamic Theology and Ethics Department.

Masters in Islamic Theology, World Religions, and Modern Religious Sects, PhD in Theology.

Shaykh Waleed is one of our senior-most instructors in knowledge and experience, and with his extensive background in Islamic creed, he’s sure to paint a clear and vivid picture of the most important day of our existence, and how to prepare for it.

Attend In-Person

London UK

April 11-13

Fri 7PM 10PM
Sat & Sun 10AM - 7PM
