Taught By Ust. Taimiyyah Zubair (8h 32m)

Timeless Expression
Falaq & Nas (Part I) - Surahs of Protection
Falaq and Nas are known as surahs through which we seek the protection of Allah SWT. They protect you from harms that are real and harms that are potential. When should we recite these surahs? What is the significance of these surahs? Ust. Taimiyyah Zubair begins this course with the tafsir of Surah’s Falaq and Nas.
Lesson 1 - Falaq And Nas Part 1
Falaq and Nas are known as surahs through which we seek the protection of Allah SWT. They protect you from harms that are real and harms that are potential. When should we recite these surahs? What is the significance of these surahs? Ust. Taimiyyah Zubair begins this course with the tafsir of Surah’s Falaq and Nas.
Lesson 2 - Falaq And Nas Part 2
Ust. Taimiyyah Zubair continues with the tafsir of Surah Falaq and Surah Nas. Falaq and Nas are two surahs known as surahs through which we seek protection of Allah SWT. They protect you from harms that are real and harms that are potential. When should we recite these surahs? What is the significance of these surahs?
Lesson 3 - Surah Ikhlas
Suratul Ikhlas tells us what we must know and believe about Allah. It is equivalent to a third of the Quran. What else do we know about this oft-recited Surah? We recite it every day, but do we really know what it means? Ust. Taimiyyah discusses the tafsir of Surah Ikhlas and its significance.
Lesson 4 - Ayatul Kursi
Ayatul Kursi in Surah Baqarah is the greatest ayah of the Quran. Reciting it brings protection against the Shaytan. It brings a person in the care and protection of Allah SWT, and it brings us closer to Allah SWT. It is an ayah that describes our Lord. What is the word for word translation of the ayah? Ust. Taimiyyah discusses the tafsir of this beautiful ayah.
Lesson 5 & 6 - Al-Baqarah
Suratul Baqarah is the longest surah in the Quran. The surah gives commands related to worship, personal lives, dealing with one another, financial rulings and legal punishments. But at the end of the surah, the last three verses give a powerful warning and encouraging reminder to the believers.
Ust. Taimiyyah Zubair continues with the tafsir of the last three ayat of Surah Al Baqarah.
Lesson 7-9 - Al-Imran
Aisha (r.a) narrated that once the Prophet SAW stood to pray and cried so much that his beard and even the floor became wet. The reason he wept was because he was reciting the last 10 ayahs of Ali Imran. What is it about these ayahs that made the Prophet SAW cry? Ust. Taimiyyah reflects and discusses the tafsir of these ayahs.
Ust. Taimiyyah Zubair continues with the tafsir of the last verses of Ali Imran.These verses demonstrate to us how people who really use their mind remember Allah by talking to Allah SWT throughout the day.
Ust. Taimiyyah Zubair concludes the tafsir of the last verses of Ali Imran.
Lesson 10-14 - Al-Khaf
Whoever recites Surah Kahf on Fridays, it will be a source of light for them on the Day of Judgement. Furthermore, whoever memorizes the first 10 verses will be protected from the Fitnah of the Dajjal. Learn more about the meaning of this important surah.
At the beginning of Surah Al Kahf, the Prophet SAW is described as being an abd of Allah, a true servant of Allah. The Prophet SAW did his best to convey the message. But when people didn’t believe in him, it really grieved him. What does Allah SWT say in response to the Prophet’s grief? Ust. Taimiyyah discusses.
Surah Al Kahf has many stories and lessons within it. One story that is mentioned in the first ten verses is the story of the people of the cave. Ust. Taimiyyah discusses this story through tafsir.
The Prophet SAW said, whoever recites Surah Kahf exactly as it was revealed, there will be a light for him on the Day of Judgement as big as the distance from their home to the city of Makkah. Furthermore, the last 10 verses of Kahf will protect you from the Dajjal. Ust. Taimiyyah discusses this further.
Ust. Taimiyyah continues discussing Suratul Kahf and concludes the lessons on this surah with the types of people on the Day of Judgement.
Lesson 15-19 - Al-Insaan
The Prophet SAW used to recite Surah Al Insan in his fajr prayers on Friday mornings. Why should we recite this in our prayers? What does this Surah mean? Ust. Taimiyyah discusses and reflects upon the tafsir of Surah Al Insan.
Who are the righteous servants of Allah and what are their qualities? Ust. Taimiyyah discusses the qualities of the righteous servants of Allah in detail in this lesson.
The people who observe patience, there will be for them a reward that is without any limit. In Surah Insan Allah describes the reward for righteous servants, the qualities and beauties of Jannah.
Ust. Taimiyyah Zubair discusses the People of Jannah and their qualities as mentioned in surah Al Insan. What are those qualities? What are some things that we can do to please Allah SWT and strengthen our iman?
Lesson 20-25 - Al-Mulk
In the first part of Surah Mulk, we learned about who Allah is, why we were created, and that this life is a test. In the next section, we learn about Allah’s Creation described in great detail, and more.
Ust. Taimiyyah discusses the tafsir of Surah Mulk, focusing on the ayahs 2-6, which tell us of Allah’s greatness and the punishment and the people of the Fire.
Ust. Taimiyyh continues her lesson on Surah Al Mulk, focusing on the ayah’s that gives a detailed description of the Hellfire, and what will happen to those who are thrown into it.
Allah is the All-Knowing, All-Seeing. He knows what we say in private and what we make public. He knows what is in our hearts and He knows of every action we make. This is why we should be conscious and fearful of Allah SWT whether we are in public or in private.
Allah SWT is aware of everything that we do, everything that is in our hearts. Even the birds are under the vision of Allah SWT. Allah is the King of everything. Yet there are still people who deny Allah, who do not put our trust in Allah. Ust. Taimiyyah Zubair discusses how we need to turn to Allah in all aspects of our life.
We cannot forget or ignore Allah SWT. Allah is the One who gave us everything. We completely depend on Him for everything. He is the One Who has created us. US. Taimiyyah discusses putting our trust in Allah, and believing in Him, through the verses of Surah Mulk.
Lesson 26-27 - Sajdah
The Prophet SAW would recite Suratul Sajdah in his Fajr prayers every Friday, in the first rakah. In the second rakah, he would recite Surah Insan. Why did he do this? What is the significance of this surah? The main theme of this surah is humility. Ust. Taimiyyh discusses and explains.
Ust. Taimiyyah continues with the tafsir of Suratul Sajdah.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is the course structured?
This is a comprehensive online program that includes on-demand modules recorded and edited for online learning. You will gain access to a variety of core essential topics that will give you a deep understanding in each field of study. Members can choose to learn from the topics that are most relevant to them at their own pace.
When will I have access to modules?
As soon as you sign up you will have access to the member portal with all available modules. What you see right now is not all – we have many more courses that are either in post-production work or are being developed by instructors.
How long do I have to complete the course?
There is no limit or requirement for you to finish the program within a specific timeframe. You can stay subscribed for as long as you need. Keep in mind that we will add new courses to the portal on a regular basis.
Ideally, you should be able to complete all the course topics within one year. If you finish early, there will be much more to explore beyond the core topics. No pressure though, you can learn and process each module at your own comfort level.
What if I have a question to ask the instructor but cannot attend live?
You can submit your questions in the comment section of the video and our team will compile all questions. Some answers may be found in previous video sessions. Others will require a lot more insight that will be spoken about in detail in the Live sessions.
How do I interact with my classmates?
There is a comment section available under each lesson for students to ask questions and engage in discussions with one another.
How long do I have access to the Faith Essentials program?
We currently offer monthly and yearly membership plans. As long as you stay subscribed to the portal, you will have access to all lessons, your viewing history and notes.
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