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Because You Are
A Woman...

…you can’t lead
…you can’t speak publicly
…you can’t join the conversation…”

That’s what our sisters keep hearing…

…and while some have believed this narrative…
…many more sisters have proven that not only CAN and WILL they…
…but the rest need to keep up.

Join Ustadha Taimiyyah on this Michigan community tour and get to listen to selected stories from the seminar I Am Her.

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Who are the
Women of the Quran

Not many have considered the deep leadership lessons for women in the Quran. 

This may be a novel notion for some, but leadership in Dawah, activism and family are taught through the stories of:

  • The mother of Maryam
  • Maryam herself
  • Asiyah, the wife of the Pharoah
  • The mother, sister and wife of Musa
  • The mothers of the believers
  • Khawlah bint Tha’labah of Surat Mujadilah
  • Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba

The Quran is indeed a source of empowerment for women! Women will experience the Quran as a source of motivation and spiritual guide, in shaa Allah.

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Ust. Taimiyyah Zubair

Specialist in Quran, Tafsir and Word Analysis. Studied under parents and scholars, Dr. Idrees Zubair and Dr. Farhat Hashmi, founders of Al Huda International. Teacher of Islamic Sciences, Arabic, Grammar, Hadith and Fiqh at Al Huda Institute.