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There Are Signs In
The Heavens & The Earth

There are countless signs around us, but will be the ones who ponder, or ignore?


God, Atheism, And The Pursuit of Truth


“And how many a sign within the heavens and earth do they pass over while they turn their faces away from them “
Surah Yusuf [12:105]

Atheism, New Atheism, Agnosticism, Scientism, Secularism, Radical Skepticism… the -isms seem endless and every one of them is being argued by people who sound really smart with all sorts of academic degrees,  terminologies, and research behind them. It can be overwhelming. And even when you know Islam is the truth, there can be the frustration of knowing the truth but not knowing how to convincingly convey it. So how can we make a coherent case for Islam?

Know the Evidence for Truth and Know the Weakness of the Arguments Against It

“No sane person would doubt that knowledge that is based on a multiplicity of strong evidence—as well as proofs of the invalidity of the counter misgivings and the invalidity of the opponents’ arguments—is not like that which is based on one proof without knowing the counter-arguments.”

-Ibn Taymiyyah

  • The causes of guidance and the causes of misguidance
  • A brief introduction to logic, logical fallacies, and epistemology
  • Proofs for the existence of God from within the human being and without
  • Islamic, philosophical, and scientific arguments for the existence of God
  • The age of secularism, the rise of atheism, and the fall of new atheism
  • Who is God and why worship Him?
  • How to articulate a coherent case for Islam with confidence
  • The resolutions to the most common problems that atheism presents; the problem of evil, the question of religious violence, science, and more
  • How to deal with doubts
  • The Quran’s miraculous nature
  • How to raise religious children in a radically skeptical era
  • How to engage with family and friends who abandon faith
  • A Fitrah Protection Plan

Shaykh Suleiman Hani is the Director of Academic Affairs at AlMaghrib Institute, a research scholar for Yaqeen Institute, and a resident scholar in Michigan. He holds master’s degree from Harvard University, where he studied religions, philosophy, political science, and psychology.