Quranic Vibes:
21 Principles To Overcome The Negativity Around You
21 Principles To Overcome The Negativity Around You
Whether on the news, on social media, or even real life. It seems that people are becoming more polarized.
You are either “with us” or “against us.”
In this world of negativity we have to ask ourselves
What does our faith say?
The type of hopefulness that makes a person positive about their environment no matter how dire it seems.
It is a trait that comes hand in hand with faith.
It embues those who have properly absorbed the Quranic message with mercy, empathy, compassion.
So why don’t we find those qualities in a lot of the people around us?
Verses from the Quran carefully selected by Shaykh Saad Tasleem that represent overarching principles that govern hundreds of your daily interactions. Overcome negativity around you and within yourself in a seminar so practical you’ll be able to implement what you learn in this seminar from the first sesssion!
Focuses on empowering Muslim identities as part of Western society. Bachelor’s in Islamic Law at Madinah University. Developed seminars like Fiqh of Chillin’- Entertainment & Recreation in Islam, Deception – Study of Shaytan, and Trends – Fiqh of Fashion & Clothing.